7 Useful Tips to Prepare for NIFT Creative Ability Test
NIFT entrance exams are conducted on a national level for admissions at the graduate and post-graduate levels for design courses in the country. The exams are specifically designed to test the creative skills like drawing, observation, visualization and writing. Since the design fields can be highly ambiguous and vast, it is wise to opt for the appropriate NIFT coaching to get the right assistance and support. We bring you some pre-requisites of preparing for the exam and several ways in which you can crack NIFT with soaring success.
1. Stay Relevant to CAT – Since the pattern and ideology of NIFT entrance is quite different than usual entrance exams: the preparation tips are also quite different. For starters, it is important to focus on the relevant topics without any dilution. While studying for the Creative Ability Test, students must not jump to the second stage (Situation Test) before they complete the first stage thoroughly.
2. Concentrate and Critique - It is important to spend ample of time in enhancing your creative skills. It will involve sitting for several hours with 100% concentration in your work. You should also constantly be a critique of your own work and learn from your mistakes to improvise as you practice.
3. Strategize Success – Make a clear list of your key strengths and work on polishing them. At the same time, spend additional hours on the areas that aren’t your forte and keep observing and researching on subjects that scare you. This will boost your confidence while solving tough problems in the entrance exams.
4. Practice, Practice & Practice – Don’t move away from a topic once you have completed it. Keep revising topics in order to improve the quality of your work and get rewarding results in the long run.
5. Observe & Apply – By thoroughly observing your surroundings and applying them in your work, you will enhance your creative intelligence and be prepared for a creative test that demands out of the box thinking.
6. Stay Optimistic – Other than testing your writing, drawing or visualization skills, your answers also test your psyche. Keep an optimistic approach and choose positive, colorful and cheerful options, colors and topics for a better result.
7. Solve Sample Papers – By solving sample papers and previous years’ question papers, you will get an exact idea about the exam and you won’t get any surprises on the final exam day.
Opt for the right NIFT coaching to help you through the entrance test difficulties so that you’re well-prepared to score well in your entrance exams.